Some time ago, after very heavy rain and the river running for sometime.
I went out for a tramp in the receding waters, where, under an outcrop of
rocks, resembling lion king, l came upon the footprints of many animals,
in the mud at the base. lt was an area of about 1 metre sqare. lt appeared
as if a battle of some sort had gone on.
l sat and stared at the muddy impressions. There were many, large and
small. Some looked to me like badger, they had six toes and visible claws.
The others looked like cat. Five toes and no claws. Some where large,
some small. l decided to make some casts of them. They turned out well.
l also searched for any other signs. The cane growing around was very
dense, but it had pathways through it. Between the site of the muddy battle
and the outcrop was a pool of water, that could only be crossed by
swimming or leaping. A freshly dug toilet revealed its delivery. Above in
thick undergrowth was a small cave.
Lynx came to mind. The footprints were certainly a good size. I decided to
show the casts to the local vets. One said no they can't be because they are
not found in this part of Spain, but the other took one look at them and
pointed to a poster of a Lynx and said "Lynx".
I have heard many stories of sightings, especially at dawn and dusk.
Running across roads and crying in the night. The best story was of
two large cat like animals seen on a mountain road in the early hours.
They said that they were definatly Lynx because they could see their
long tails !!!.
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