Sunday 26 July 2015

The Signature Spider

This splendid spider has strung her web right in front of my bedroom window. It  is easily a metre across and is supported by lines of thread that reach to the roof,  I came across it while watering the garden. as can be seen there is a large zig zag running right into the centre of her orb web. This is were she sits with legs outstretched in pairs waiting for her next meal which turned out to be a wasp. there are many theories as to why she has this signature on her web. Some say that it is a repair job, others that it is to warn off birds. Interestingly the male is the size of an ant. He has to play her strings right if he wants to father the next generation, that means he has to reach her without being noticed and eaten. So he spins a zig zag ladder to reach her!